You Believe

Mark 9:23 KJV
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
You are a Believer, therefore, there is nothing impossible for you. Sometimes we struggle trying to be who we already are. We are born again children of God. We wouldn’t be born again if we didn’t believe. You are a Believer, right now! You don’t have to try to have enough faith, or try to believe, you are a Believer. You have the same faith Jesus had. You can believe God to receive your kingdom inheritance. You believe what the word of God says. You believe you are healed, righteous, and that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above what you can ask or think, based on the Holy Spirit living in you and because the word of God says so. Don’t struggle trying to believe. You are a believer. You will live your dream life because you believe. You win in life because you believe.
Prayer – Father, I thank you for the grace of Faith you gave me. I believe it is your will for me to have the Abundant Life Jesus purchased for me. Amen.