Two Plans for Your Life

John 10:10 TPT
A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!
Jesus defines the two plans of Life. One plan is the plan of the thief. Jesus says the thief’s plan is to steal from you, to destroy you, and to slaughter (kill) you. If negative and  destructive things are constantly happening, we must be following the plan of the thief. Sure, negative things will happen to everyone, but our lives should not be one traumatic event after another. The devil’s plan is to rob us of the quality of life God intended for us to enjoy. This brings me to the second plan for our lives. Jesus said his plan is for us to have everything in abundance, more than you expect (peace, joy, divine health, wealth, and a great family life). He came for us to have life in its fullness until it overflows. Wow!
I remember when I first read this. Based on my mindset about God at the time, it was hard to believe God wanted me to have a life filled with his overflowing goodness. I once thought that God didn’t want me to enjoy anything in life. I thought the enjoyment was to come when I died and went to heaven. Thank God for his word. I found out it was the thief lying to me about God. The thief was stealing from me, killing my dreams, and trying to destroy me with his lies. I quickly got on the other track. The track that offered me God’s plan for my life. I am thankful that it is just like Jesus said. Amazing things began to happen in my life. The plan of God began to become my reality. There are challenges, but I don’t accept them as my normal. My normal is the amazing, winning, and overflowing good life Jesus purchased for me to experience. I believe everyone wants the plan of God for their life. If you have not changed tracks, now is the time to get off the destructive track (walking in the plans of the enemy) and get on the new track filled with the amazing overflowing goodness of God for your life. Choose the winning life in Christ Jesus and enjoy the blessings of walking in his plan for your life.
Prayer – Father, I choose the plan of Jesus Christ for my life. Help me to always walk in this amazing plan and to help others to follow your plan to win in life. In Jesus name, amen!