The Same Jesus!

Acts 1:11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!”
Wow! Sometimes I have to catch myself, I become so now minded that I forget the main goal of my salvation. God saved us with an eternal purpose in mind. The physical life we are experiencing, regardless of how good or challenging, cannot be compared to the Glorious presence of our Lord Jesus Christ when he returns. Yes, Jesus is coming back. The same Jesus that Peter, James, John, Thomas, and the other Apostles saw taken into heaven, is coming back. This is our blessed expectation. This will be the completion of our faith, when Jesus returns. We don’t want to be so Earthly minded that we forget the most important benefit of our Union with Christ. God wanted people for himself. Not a temporary relationship with us, but Jesus came to restore us back to a righteous relationship with God and one day this same Jesus is coming back to take us away to be with our Lord and our God. We win in this life because of Jesus and we win big in the life to come. Rejoice! The same Jesus is coming back soon!
Prayer- Father, forgive me for being overly consumed with this temporary life. Help me to focus on the main thing. Teach me to have a consciousness about Jesus coming back. Many times I am troubled, anxious, worried, and fearful because I am focused on this life and not on the life to come. I purpose to set my mind on the things above where Jesus, my Lord, is seated at the right hand of the Father. It’s in his name and for his glory I pray, Amen.