The Lord is My Strength

Psalm 27:1b KJV
the Lordis the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
The word strength can be translated: place of safety, refuge, and protection. In other words, we can say God is our safety, refuge, and protection. We don’t have to fear what the enemy can do to us. No weapon formed against us will prosper. You will overcome every challenge. You will stand victorious in every situation because the Lord your God is your safety, protection, and place of Refuge. The enemy must come through the Lord to get to you. He has been defeated by Jesus at the cross therefore, when he messes with you shout: “Jesus Christ,” to remind him of his defeated. You will always win because the Lord is your strength, refuge, safety, and protection. This is real security.
Prayer – Father, you are my security system. You protect me and keep me safe in this unsafe world. Amen.