The Blood of Jesus

1 Peter 1:18-19 ERV
You know that in the past the way you were living was useless. It was a way of life you learned from those who lived before you. But you were saved from that way of living. You were bought, but not with things that ruin like gold or silver. 19 You were bought with the precious blood of Christ’s death. He was a pure and perfect sacrificial Lamb.
Thank God for the precious and priceless blood of Jesus Christ. God, our Father, purchased us from a sinful, destructive life with the precious blood of Christ’s death. The penalty God set for sin was death (Genesis 2:17; Romans 6:23). Therefore, everyone born from Adam, the first man, were sinners under the set penalty of death for sinning. God loves us in spite of our sins, but he cannot violate the penalty he set for sinning. God, In His infinite wisdom, had a master plan.
Only a new man, not from Adam, could die and pay the price once and for all for the sin of Adam. This new man was Jesus Christ: the son of God, the Lamb of God, Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus Christ, the word made flesh and blood like we are. Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God, qualified to pay the price for our freedom from the penalty of sin.
Jesus, the son of God, shed his blood and gave his life for us to have the new life God planned from the beginning. Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ that was given for our freedom, deliverance, healing, prosperity, peace, and the restoration of all the good things from our God that Adam lost when he sinned. There Is power in the Blood of Jesus Christ! Thank God for the benefits we have because of the blood of Jesus Christ. We always win in Christ Jesus!
Prayer – Father, I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ. I am forgiven, delivered, healed, righteous, wealthy, and a new creation because of the blood of Jesus Christ!