Taking The City

Joshua 6:1 NLT
Now the gates of Jericho were tightly shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites. No one was allowed to go out or in.
The Saints, the body of Christ, the Church of God has the authority in Christ to shut or open the gates to the city (Matthew 11:18). We can shut the gate to the city with fervent, Spirit-led, prayer followed by bold proclamation of the gospel. Joshua and the Israelites brought fear on the people of Jericho because of the dynamic, wonder-working power of God. In this Generation, God will do great things for his Harvest to be reaped. Let’s pray and proclaim the gospel; this will allow God to do great things in our city. We control the gates of our city. We are winners in life because of Jesus and we desire everyone in the city to know our God. So let’s take our city by praying and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prayer – Father, I thank you for the right you gave me to use the name of Jesus. I operate in the authority of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray you be glorified, the name of Jesus be magnified, and the heart of the people open to receive the Gospel in the city.