Real Love

1 John 4:10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

When love is real it is demonstrated by real actions. God is love and his love for us was demonstrated by sending his son as a sacrifice to wash away our sins. This is the greatest act of Love ever demonstrated. We will be forever receiving from this act of love. God loves us and we win in life because of his love. We are forgiven, healed, delivered, and filled with his presence because of his love. When things are going wrong and challenges seems to be stacking up always remember, God loves you and he will do what is necessary, in righteousness, for you to win in life.


Prayer- Thank you Father for really loving me. Your love is always demonstrated to me by the wonderful things you do for me. I thank you for loving and caring for me.