Real Joy

J- Jesus First;
O- Others second;
Y- Yourself last.
This is the prescription to true, or real, joy. Joy is a result of a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ and serving others. Serving others is in our DNA. Jesus was a servant to all men. When we turn our attention from our personal lives and focus on serving others, we are fulfilled and overflowing with joy from within. In fact, Jesus said serving others was his fulfillment (John 4:34). We have the nature of Jesus Christ in our hearts therefore, serving others is our fulfillment and joy. When we serve others we change our focus from our challenges to helping others. When we serve, we are sowing seeds that will produce an amazing Harvest of God’s goodness in our lives. Real Joy is Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last. Keep winning and loving others in Christ Jesus!
Prayer – I have the heart of a servant. I am fulfilled and filled with joy when I serve others. I thank you Father for loving me and giving me the opportunity to serve others for their benefit. In Jesus name!