Kingdom Peace

2 Thessalonians 3:16 AMPC
Now may the Lord of peace Himself grant you His peace (the peace of His kingdom) at all times and in all ways [under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes]. The Lord [be] with you all.
Peace means security, safety, prosperity, a tranquil state of assurance of Salvation through Christ, and fearing nothing from God. Wow! It is amazing what insight we receive when we have the meaning of words the writers use in the scriptures. Apostle Paul is speaking volumes to us when he says, may the Lord of Peace himself, grant us his peace. In other words, Paul is saying may the Lord of security, safety, prosperity, and tranquil state of assurance of salvation (because you don’t have anything to fear from God), grant all these blessings to you. One writer says peace is the state of nothing missing and nothing broken. It is wholeness because of what we received in Christ Jesus.
The peace of God that we receive when we are born again is beyond our natural understanding; it is as Paul described in the scripture. We have God’s security, protection, prosperity, and assurance of Salvation and we don’t have to fear God’s judgement. God is our Father and we are his children. We are blessed with his peace in this troubled world/society. We have God’s peace and we always win!
Prayer – Father, I thank you for your kingdom peace. When I am challenged my heart is flooded with your grace of Peace. Amen!