Keeping His Covenant

John 14 15 KJV
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 15:10 KJV
If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
How do we demonstrate the love of God? By keeping his Commandments. How do we abide in his love? By keeping his Commandments. Jesus gives us the key to loving him and remaining and his love for us. The key is keeping, or obeying his instructions. When a child chooses to obey the instructions of their parents when the parent isn’t present it proves to the parent how much they really love them. They made a decision to follow their parent’s instructions above the words of their peers and everyone else. They not only prove they love their parents, but they remain in the parents love.
The instructions the parent gives are beneficial and given out of a heart of love for their children. They want their child to receive the best. When the child obeys instructions, regardless of how much they dislike them, they receive the blessing, or benefit, the parent desired. This is how it is with God and us. God deals with us as his children. When we are willing and obedient, we eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19). When we are obedient to follow the instructions God gives us in his word we prove we love God and remain in his love. When we remain in his love, we receive everything our loving heavenly Father has for us. We win when we are obedient to keep God’s word.
Prayer – Father, I purpose to obey your words. I realize sometimes I am not quick to obey and sometimes I disobey your instructions. I ask you to forgive me and help me to always be obedient to your instructions. In Jesus name, amen!