Jesus Representatives

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.  
We are representing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What an amazing truth! This is a humbling thought. As great, flawless, faultless, and sinless as Jesus was he gives us the responsibility to represent him. Whatever we do we must be conscious of the fact we are representing Jesus Christ. We want others to know who Jesus is by what we say and what we do. Jesus loved people and did what was necessary for those he came in contact with to have a better quality of life. He went everywhere teaching and preaching about the kingdom of God and healing the sick. God has anointed us, in our generation, to do what Jesus did. We are his Representatives. We must go and do the work he did, as he did them. We want others to know we win in life because of Jesus. Let’s always be conscious of the fact that we are representing Jesus Christ to a lost world. Let’s let his light and his love shine from within us to others so they can win in life through Christ.
Prayer- Heavenly Father, thank you for saving me and giving me the assignment to represent Jesus in the Earth in everything I do. This is the most important assignment there is. I thank you for the grace necessary to represent Jesus Christ with excellence.