Hold On

Romans 12:9 NLT
Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.
Apostle Paul gives us a major key to winning in life in this passage of scripture. First, we must readily and sincerely love others. In other words, no talk and acts that will benefit us, but what we do and say should be for the benefit of others. We must have the desire for others to win in life and do what is necessary to help them. The second truth Paul mentions is: we must hold on to what is good.
The word of God is the best thing to hold on to. In the world there are no morals that people govern themselves by. In the Kingdom, the word of God is the standard. We govern ourselves based on the word of God, which is the absolute truth. We are not moved by the ever-changing fads and trends of this world. We hold on to what is good in the word of the Living God and we win in life.
Don’t be moved by this world system, hold on to what is good and you will have faith in God to win big in life. 
Prayer – Father, I thank you for your precious word. I purpose to govern my life based on the word of the Living God.