God Listens & Answers You

Psalm 4:3 TLB
Mark this well: The Lord has set apart the redeemed for himself. Therefore he will listen to me and answer when I call to him.

Mark this well! Listen up! Pay special attention to what I am saying! God has purchased you with the blood of his son, Jesus Christ. God has set you apart for himself and because you are special to him, He always listens to you and answers you. You can always have a conversation with God, your father. You have a special position with him. He is never too busy. You will never call and and hear a secretary say, “God is unavailable.” Listen Up! You are special and set up part by God for his pleasure. When others see you, they see the goodness of God in real life. This is why God wants you to call him in your challenging situations. He will come to assist you to win. When you win it brings glory to God. In the storm and when it’s calm, call on God. Talk to him, he listens and will always answer. This sounds like a winning formula! You always win in Christ Jesus!

Prayer – Father, you are amazing! I thank you for redeeming me, setting me apart, and always listening to me! I am confident I will win! You are for me and will always help me. Hallelujah!