Feelings – Part 2

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by believing and not by seeing.
It is common for someone to ask, “How are you feeling?” We can’t control the questions people ask, but we can control our response. Based on the word of God, we have Divine Health. Jesus took all our sicknesses and diseases. You may not be feeling well, but based on the word of God you have divine health. If you are asked, how you are feeling, don’t answer based on your feelings. Make your feelings come in line with what you believe. Say: “I am feeling great in the Lord Jesus Christ!” Don’t let your feelings dominate you, dominate your feelings by speaking the word and win in life. We live by faith in God, not based on our feelings.
Prayer- I have the dynamic faith of the almighty God. I am not dominated by my feelings, but I dominate my feelings with the word of God. I thank you Father for your word. I choose to believe your word and I am confident I will win. Your word is working in my life, producing exactly what you said and I believe. In Jesus name.