
Mark 16:15 NLT
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.
Acts 2:40-41 NLT
Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
Jesus gave the Apostles a commission to preach the Gospel everywhere and to everyone. He said those that believed and were baptized would be saved. In the book of Acts we see Peter following the instructions of Jesus Christ: Peter preached the gospel and the Lord confirmed the word by adding to the church. I am absolutely convinced that God is adding to the church as we preach the gospel.
People are lost, living a life separated from the almighty God. We must preach the gospel. God will confirm his word and add to the Body of Christ. As we preach the word, God will do exactly what he said: all that believe and are baptized will be saved. No one will receive until we preach the gospel. Don’t Preach what you think, or your opinion, we are winners because we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prayer – Father, I thank you for giving me the right, privilege, and ability to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People hear, believe, and are baptized when I preach the gospel. Thank you Father for using me to change lives for Christ. In Jesus name!