Conceived By Holy Spirit

Matthew 1:20b
For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Mary conceived Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. She believed the word spoken to her by an Angel and God did what he promised. Listen, you were conceived by the Holy Spirit and you are a new creation, just like God said (John 3:16; Romans 10 9 – 10). It doesn’t end with being born again. The Holy Ghost has impregnated you with Vision, dreams, and abilities to do great things! You are pregnant right now and it is your time to release what is inside of you. What the Holy Ghost has conceived in you is greater than what you can accomplish in your ability. You may not have the resources to do this great thing, but you know there is a stirring in your heart; you know it is a God thing. It is not just your imagination! It is what God wants to work through you, to do. This great thing is conceived by the holy spirit for you and others to win in life. It’s time to release what is conceived in You by the Holy Spirit and bless the world!
Prayer – Father, I thank you for the great dream, vision, and ideas the Holy Spirit has conceived in my heart. As I take steps of faith to begin to do it, I am confident you will supply the grace, and resources necessary for me to succeed. In Jesus name, Amen!