A Soft Answer

Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.
I am sure there are times when you wished you would have said something in a different manner or not have said it at all. The old saying,  “think before we speak,” is true. Sometimes we say things based on our emotions. We speak harsh when that is not our intention. It’s been said, we have two buckets in our hand. One bucket is fuel that can cause a big Blaze and the other is water, the bucket that can put out the fire. Our words can be fuel or water. Let’s use the water of a soft answer to put out the fire of strife. Strife opens the door for the enemy in our lives. Let’s close the door to the devil with love demonstrated by a soft answer. This is how we talk to win in life. When the opportunity comes for you to be offended and speak words of anger, turn the other cheek and win by speaking soft words that will put the fire out and let love arise.
Prayer – Father, forgive me for speaking without considering what I say. Help me to control my tongue and speak soft kind words to others in Jesus name.