
Romans 8:15 tlb
And so we should not be like cringing, fearful slaves, but we should behave like God’s very own children, adopted into the bosom of his family, and calling to him, “Father, Father.”
Through the amazing saving work of Jesus Christ, we have a new relationship with God, the Creator. God is not only our God, but he is our Heavenly Father. We are born again into the family of God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. We are Heirs of God. We have the blood of God flowing through our veins. The life of the flesh is in the blood. We have the life of God flowing through every part of our body. We are not only created by God, but we have a paternal relationship with him. We are children of the most high God and we always win in life. Thank you Father for all you do for me! Hallelujah!
Prayer- I thank you Father for giving me the right and the privilege to be your son/daughter. I am in your family and I thank you for giving me the legal rights to the inheritance you have given to all your children. In Jesus name, amen!