God of Abundance

2 Corinthians 9:8 amp
And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity.
Abundance – to abound; overflow; to be abundantly furnished with; to excel more than; exceed.
Wow! This is the nature of our God. God is a giving God that gives in abundance. He never gives just enough, partially, or halfway does something. Our God gives good things to us and his giving is always overflowing, abundantly furnished, and exceeds what we ask, think, or imagine. The only thing that limits God is our expectations. We can stop the overflow from coming to us by speaking words of doubt and lack.
Let the word of Christ live in you. Think like Christ. Jesus had an abundance mindset. He multiplied a few pieces of fish and crackers to feed 9,000 people and had baskets of food leftover. Jesus said he could pray and God, his father, would give him over twelve legions of angels. This is overflowing abundance to me. This is how God, our heavenly father, operates. Creation speaks of our God being a God of abundance. He created innumerable stars, fish in the waters, and trees on earth.
As we think, so are we. We must develop a mindset of God as the God who gives in abundance, not just enough. We win because God has given us more than just enough to win in life. God is the God of abundance. Receive his abundance in your life, right now!
Prayer – Father, I receive your abundant, overflowing blessings. You never give just enough, you always give me more than enough to win. I am blessed to be a blessing, in Jesus name!