Don’t Move

John 15:7 TLB
But if you stay in me and obey my commands, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted!
Jesus said if we stay in him and obey his instructions we may ask any requests we like and it will be granted. Wow! Wow! Wow! This is amazing! Sometimes we think it is hard to receive from God. We fast, sing loud and long, and many other things in our flesh trying to get God’s attention and answers to our prayers. Thank God Jesus told us the secret to receiving from God. Jesus said stay in him and obey his instructions. In other words, Jesus is the Living Word and we must stay put in the instructions given in the written word. We must stay put and don’t move off the word of God. If you are being attacked in your physical body with sickness, you must stay put in the word that says Jesus took your sicknesses and diseases. It may feel like nothing is changing and the symptoms are getting worse, but you must stay put and don’t move off the word.
Jesus is the truth; he cannot lie. He said if we stay put in him, doing the word, we can ask any request, in the word, and it will be granted. Don’t be moved by what you hear, see, and feel. Stay put and don’t move off the word. Stand on the word and you will always win!
Prayer – Father, I thank you for the grace to stay put and not move off your word. I am confident you will grant all my request because I will not move from your word. In Jesus name!