God’s Ways Are Always Right!

Hoses 14:9 KJV
Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.
The ways, or path, the Lord is leading you is right. Sometimes we may not understand what is going on, even when we are in the will of God. Sometimes we are in the will of God and it may look like things are getting worse instead of better. This is when we must continue to follow the peace in our heart. We must be confident the end result will be victory, success, and winning. We must be absolutely convinced, “The ways of the Lord are right,” as the prophet says.
The Lord’s ways lead to financial prosperity, a Godly marriage, a Godly home, and success in every area of our lives. We win because we choose to follow the Lord’s way, which is the right way! 
Prayer – Thank you Father for leading me in the right way. Help me to follow your way and not to get detoured and go in another direction. In Jesus name!