A Mighty God – Jesus Christ

Acts 2:22 nlt “People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene by doing powerful miracles, wonders, and signs through him, as you well know.
Jesus was God manifested in human form. Notice what the holy spirit says: Jesus, a man. Jesus was all God and all man. As a man, he was anointed by God with Holy Spirit to do mighty signs and wonders. He destroyed the works of the devil in the lives of all people. There’s a man in heaven that defeated the devil for our benefit. We are healed, forgiven, delivered, and filled with the presence of God because of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our mighty God who defeated the devil for us. He demonstrated he was greater than any force of evil as he went about doing good: healing all that were oppressed of the devil. The life of victory we are experiencing is because of the mighty Jesus Christ, our champion. We win in life because of Jesus!
Prayer- Jesus Christ is our victorious King. Father, thank you for Jesus, my Lord and my savior. He is greater than anything the enemy can ever bring against me. You did mighty signs through Jesus then and I thank you for doing them through me now. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.